Monday, March 25, 2013


Another sleepless night.  Physically feel extremely tired, but mentally awake. It's suffering to me.
When I was lying on bed and closed my eyes, wondering why I just couldn't get into sleep. Trying few ways to hypnosis myself such like the oldway sheep counting, plays the soft music or have cup of milk. However these all couldn't help. :X
The feeling is like so so so torturing. I want back home because insomnia never will happens when I'm home :/

Monday, March 11, 2013


我要疯了 为什么满脑子都是你
明知道不可能 为什么还要去抱一丝希望
讨厌这种感觉 这种每次情绪都因你而改变的感觉
我要回自由 教我该怎么忘了你