Tuesday, July 24, 2012


This year birthday is the best I had ever. Thanks for the surprise, present, wishes box, b'day cards, cakes and all the wishes, thanks for everything, i sincerely appreciate these a lot. Thank for celebrated with me, thanks for you guys are being my side, and I'm not alone , you guys made my day, you know? i'm so in love with you all, my friends   :)
今年,你没在我生日那天祝福我,那种等待落空的感觉,难免会失望。你是忘了,还是故意不祝福我?你之前提早的祝福是已就算了嘛?谢谢你的绝情,谢谢你的眼泪,让我相信你是爱过我。 你,我是永远不会忘记,就让我们把这一切当成回忆...

Friday, July 13, 2012




Thursday, July 12, 2012


我的右脚从昨晚跑步回来变的很痛,感觉上muscle clamp! 一直在抽着我的脚劲。 以为是我太多天没跑才会将,刚旁晚去跑时,脚更痛,痛的走路都要一拐一拐。我很担心,星期日还要跑UTAR RUN, 我真的不想错过

现在感觉上要生病了,身体感觉慢慢发烫。 担心因为脚劲痛才导致发烧


Monday, July 9, 2012

count on me

Countdown,there are 10 more days to go. Don't waste time on someone that don't appreciate you, there is no more next time, everything ends up now.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


我真的不懂的伪装,祝福你,我的心很痛。你太爱你自己,你能同时爱上很多人,你好玩,你不想让自己孤单,所以你选择去逃避面对现实。是我无能,还是你残忍,为什么我不能爱上别的人,为什么你能而我却作不到 今晚,让我再怀念从前的我们,最后一次,我的眼泪控制不住. 我不要你的怜悯,你的同情,请你对我绝情,我心才会死,请你离开我的世界可以没有,我真的很累 哭过了,伤过了,痛过了,我已经承受够了,请你放过我。今年,我不需要再什么愿望,我只希望你能安静地让我度过。我想回家,想回去。我好想念我妈,我不想再一个人在宿舍。 一个人时,思念才会不停的折磨

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Make it better

I was weak to think,to speak. I had a phobia in public speaking. This is proven. 
Today, i was so embarrassing. Ms.Diong called out my name and want me to deliver an impromptu speech during in lecture class. I was so afraid and nervous. I barely can hear the beating of my heart and that time i feel like duwan to admit i'm weiern. The title of speech is advertising. She want me to start without give me any seconds to think about. I talked little, talked the function of av,talking crap in front. I was totally blank,i have no idea what to talk, what to share. I was standing in front and starring to my friend to look for help. After few mins, the lecturer give me some suggestion and comment my speech. She want me to sit back and will call me out again afterwards. GG arhh    "_______" why still want me out again? want me to embarrass one more time?
After i sit back, i started to think what to say later, and ask idea from friend. That time,my heart was jumping fast still, even though i get back to my place, i can't concentrate what is the next ppl talking about, I'm just too too worry later how i should to deliver my speech. By the way,towards the end of class, she didn't call me out, thanks god, that time only my breathing is going normal >___<

Last time, when i was studying in science,there are tons of report need to write, and now I chg to PR,there are a lot of presentation and assessment waiting for me. Okayy,well  i can make a conclusion here, every course have their difficulty, and as a learner, we can't escape from all these.
Have to learn,read,speak more begins from now. I must overcome this obstacle. MUST!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Turn over

Today, the first day of July,time flies, now have been in July,this indicates that day is coming soon,I can't be avoid,escape of the day coming. I've to face the reality,I've been abandoned. I know you will not come on that day,you always can't keep your words,and I'm the idiot one who always choose to believe.
Let it go be,only by fully experiencing the depth of pain,can we be healed from it and done with it. Every wounds will be recover,i believe it will fully recover by one day,and time is the best medicine to sweep everything away. 

Sorry, to my sister who worry about me. Don't worries,i'm being fine,i'm trying to be tough. If you really want me to be good,please keep all your question in mind. I know you may be wondering and curious what happened over these few days actually. But,please, if you really want me get well, don't ask me any single question, silence is the best way to help me in this. I'm just too tired of talk about it, and i don't want to mentioned any things that about him again. 

And sorry for my childish,foolish attitudes,I apologize for my for being so rude,i shouldn't say that words,shouldn't speak loudly to you. Mum,sorry. I love you.

The ring, the silver ring that you gave me, I won't put on as necklace anymore. Have to walk out from you at this moment, never step in and let you control my emotional again..never ever.

in a moment he was gone, and I swear,I'll  never turn back to look for you anymore.....